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great game 1.高爾夫球。2.間諜活動。

great go

“ college basketball ” let ' s you return to the origin of this great game with fantastic gameplay and superb graphics as core ingredients “校際籃球爭霸戰”讓你重返超棒的游戲畫面和精彩的比賽世界,創造你的夢想球隊,讓它征服這錦標賽吧。

“ i think you have to give them [ arsenal ] credit because they had a great game but our experience in the end won it , “ he added “我認為阿森納的球員理應得到褒獎,他們踢了一場偉大的比賽,但是我們在最后時刻的經驗幫助我們獲得了冠軍。 ”

At least atlanta played a great game the other night , but boston stunk tonight . it was unbelievable ! are we running out of gas 至少那天完晚上老鷹打出了偉大的逼死阿,但是今天晚上凱爾特人很菜,簡直不能相信,我們的力氣都用完了?

This is , naturally , great news , as kotor 2 , though still a great game , lacked polish in the programming department 這理所當然的是一個好消息,因為例如《古共和國武士2 》盡管也是個非常偉大的游戲,在制作完成后卻缺乏精細加工。

What one designer thinks is a great game - play mechanic may be specific to his / her own tastes , and the end users might hate it 一個設計者想的是一個偉大的游戲機制,但是有可能只符合他自己的胃口,其他人卻不喜歡。

Give eddy a break , guys . he finally has some great games after years of sucking . let him celebrate a bit 他在爛了這么多年以后終于打出了幾場不錯的比賽,現在就讓他慶祝那么一小會兒吧. . . ^ _ ^ (不厚到阿不厚道. . . . )

From the great game in central asia to the boxer rebellion of 1900 , western history has demonized eastern empires 從中亞大博弈到1900年的八國聯軍,西方歷史一直在妖魔化這兩個東方國家。

Match colors in bubble billiards , bowl for smiles , kick for a soccer goal and much more in 8 great games 在泡泡游戲板中找出同樣的顏色,歡樂保齡球,踢足球等8個非常棒的游戲。

Don ' t underestimate the deviousness of the separatists . i fear this war is only one more step in a greater game 不要低估分裂組織的反抗能力.恐怕這場戰爭背后有一個更大的陰謀

Donovan believed in using whatever tools came to hand in the “ great game “ of espionage ? spying as a “ profession “ 多諾汶相信,在諜報職業這個“大游戲”中可以使用任何手段。

Medieval 2 is the latest and greatest game to be released in the best selling and award - winning total war series 中世紀2是最新最棒最受好評的全面戰爭系列的新作。

How many played sardines ? i ve never heard of sardines until i read his book . but this is a great game 在我看那本書前,我一直沒聽過這游戲,這一個很好的游戲。

I enjoy training , but i don ' t know if i ' m able to play great games anymore 如果我日后決定繼續職業,可能在未來的尤文圖斯乙級賽中我還是沒什么問題的。

So come on down and learn a great game the way it ' s supposed to be played . right , kids 來吧,學學這個好玩的運動用它應當的方式來玩,對嗎,孩子們?

Mark : i am not a pacers or knicks fan . but that was really a great game 馬克:我不是尼克斯或步行者的球迷,但那的確是一場精彩的比賽。

It ' s a great game 很棒的運動

6th grade boy : great game . you are the best basketball player in our school 六年級男生:太棒的比賽了. ?是我們學校最棒的球員了。

Great game , bucky 比賽很棒,巴奇

Great game , sir 真是不錯的比賽,先生